Midcheshire Independent Issue 168

JULY 2024 2 No part of this publicationmay be used or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. Every effort is made to ensure that the articles and advertisements that are carried are authentic, however the publisher accepts no responsibility for claims made. © Investors in Publishing Ltd 2024. This newspaper is publishedmonthly by Investors in Publishing, Publishing House, 3 Bridgebank Industrial Estate,Taylor Street, Horwich, Bolton BL6 7PD. 01204 478812 EDITOR Ged Henderson ged@hendersonnewsandmedia.com CONTACT JayneMeadowcroft 01204 478812 07703 045189 jayne@independentnewspapers.co.uk ADVERTISING Robin Atkins 07767 840274 robin@cheshireindependent.co.uk CONTACT US General Election 2024 Special Report CHESHIRE was rocked by a political earthquake on General Election night as Labour made historic gains in seats once considered rock solid Conservative. The political map turned from blue to red with some historic results as the party took Macclesfield, a seat the Tories had held since 1918, for the first time with a majority of over 9,000. The shocks didn’t end there. Congleton, which had only ever returned Conserva- tive MPs to Parliament, also went to Labour, with a mas- sive 21.6 per cent vote swing. The resu lt s meant electoral defeats for two long-standing Cheshire Tory MPs – David Rutley in Macclesfield and Fiona Bruce in Congleton. The Conservatives did manage to hold on to Tatton, but sitting MP and govern- ment minister Esther McVey saw her majority slashed to just 1,136. In Crewe and Nantwich, Labour’s Connor Naismith won the seat with a 9,000 majority over Conservative Ben Fletcher. Macclesfield, once con- sidered one of the safest Tory seats in the country, saw an 18.6 per cent swing to Labour, with Tim Roca elected as its new MP. The new MP for Congle- ton is Sarah Russell, who overturned a Conservative majority of 18,000 to win the seat by 3,387 votes. SEEING RED! Historic election results repaint the political map In his victory speech Tim Roca said Macclesfield was “turning the page” on 100 years of one party represent- ing it in Parliament. He said he “will work his socks off” to repay the trust of voters and declared that Labour had “offered some- thing that people could believe in.” The new Macclesfield MP is a native of the town and went to school in Poynton. He stood down from his role as deputy leader of the City of Westminster Council to fight for the parliamen- tary seat. Speaking after the result David Rutley said: “Con- gratulations to Tim Roca on becoming the MP for Macclesfield. I wish him every success in what is undoubtedly the best job in Parliament. “It was a great honour to serve our local communities since 2010 and I would like to thank all those who sup- ported me in that work.” Held by the Conservatives for more than a century, big political names targeted Macclesfield during the elec- tion campaign. It saw visits from Rishi Sunak, David Cameron, Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner. Congleton’s new MP Sarah Russell is a solicitor, a for- mer councillor in Manches- ter and a school governor who lives in the town. In her victory speech she said: “This victory is for the people who spoke to me on the doorstep and who cried because they were finding things so difficult under a Tory government.” Fiona Bruce had been MP for Congleton for 14 years, winning four general elections. In 2019 she was re-elected with 58.9 per cent of the vote and an increased majority of 18,561. Crewe and Nantwich’s new MP Connor Naismith is a councillor on Cheshire East council, representing Crewe West ward, working for the independent office for police conduct. He said he was “hum- bled and privileged” as he thanked voters for putting their trust in him. And he added: “ I’ve already started receiving emails with ideas of issues and casework potentially. I’m looking forward to getting started, getting stuck-in and delivering for my constituents.” Tatton’s returning MP Esther McVey said: “It’s been an honour and a privilege to be the MP for Tatton for the last seven years and it is still to be so again. Thank you very much, I will live up to the faith you put in me.” In: Macclesfield’s new Labour MP Tim Roca (Photo credit: Tim Roca) In: Connor Naismith won a 9,000 majority (Photo credit: Connor Naismith) Out: Defeated Tory David Rutley Out: Fiona Bruce lost her Congleton seat In: New Congleton MP Sarah Russell (Photo credit: Sarah Russell) In: Esther McVey held onto Tatton in a close fight All change: Macclesfield has its first ever Labour MP