Midcheshire Independent Issue 168

3 JULY 2024 Visit our website: www.independentnewspapers.co.uk MORE than a century of Conservative representation ended sensationally as Altrincham and Sale West followed the major- ity of the country to return a Labour MP. The seat, represented by Sir Graham Brady, a senior member of the Tory Party, since 1997 was won by Connor Rand. His 20,798 votes gave him a majority of 4,000 over the Conservative candidate Oliver Carroll, who was fighting the seat following Sir Graham’s decision to step down as anMP. Altrincham and Sale’s new MP had only been selected to fight the seat a fewweeks agowhen thepre- vious candidate stepped down for personal reasons. The seat was a key battleground that analysis suggested Labour had needed to win to secure an overall majority. In the end it was a comfortable victory for the party, which secureda 40.4per cent share of the vote. Speaking after the result the newMP said:“It is an absolute hon- our and a privilege to be elected as the first ever Labour Member of Parliament for Altrincham and Sale West. Thank you to all those who put your faith in me. I will work tirelessly to be your voice inWestminster.” Oliver Carroll congratulated the victor. He said:“Iwishhimwell ashe plays his part in the next chapter of my wonderful home town’s story. “It has been nothing short of an honour to stand for election here. Thank you to the over 16,000 peo- ple who put their faith in me – I am sorry I did not do enough to deliver on that faith this time. As ever, onwards.” Andrew Western was returned as Labour MP for Stretford and Urmston with an increased major- ity of more than 16,000. He won the seat in a by-election two years ago and sealedhis return to Parliament with ease, polling 22,642 votes with Conservative Mark Cornes in second place with 6,492 votes. Sir Graham Brady, former chair- man of the 1922 committee of backbench Conservative MPs, is also returning to Parliament – tak- ing a seat in the House of Lords after receiving a peerage in out- going Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s dissolution honours. ● More electoral news on page four I left an extra bag next to a public bin as my bin was full. I got fined £400. Anika my responsibility The dumped rubbish in Sale is Your waste is your responsibility. Make sure you dispose of your rubbish correctly. “ “ General Election 2024 Special Report Seismic shift sees Labour triumphant Connor Rand, right, on the campaign trail with Manchester mayor Andy Burnham (Photo credit Connor Rand) Lord’s role: Former MP Sir Graham Brady